The course is designed to learn about the historic origin of the EOTC Calendar.In this course we will learn about St. Demetrius.He was a simple vine dresser, who did not have much scholarly education in his formative years and so when he became the 12th pope he decided to rigorously study to compensate for what he had missed. He was very humble and used to sit at the feet of the church’s deacon who taught him the hymns. He obtained much theological education at the School of Alexandria in a very short time. St. Demetrius was extremely intelligent and the Holy Spirit shined upon him. St. Demetrius invented a special calendar known as the “Apokty Calendar” which was used to determine the Glorious Resurrection Feast every year and is still used in our Oriental Churches today.
In 325 AD the church held the First Ecumenical Council known as the council of Nicea. Prior to the council meeting, churches around the world celebrated Easter at various times. In order to bring unity among the churches, council members created a formula that would calculate the date for Easter celebration around the world.